[성명] 친재벌 경제개발성장 중심 기업지배구조를 넘어서

발행일 2019.04.29. 조회수 5147
경제 국제

친재벌 경제개발성장 기대에 대한 헛걸음과

친재벌 기업지배구조의 한계를 넘어서

- 지속가능개발목표(SDGs): 유엔 경제사회이사회 2019 고위급 정치포럼 제출 성명 -


The time to kill a Chaebol: Let us move beyond Corporatocracy

Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice
Republic of Korea
April 26, 2019

  The Conglomer-Ń-ation. The monsoons have already come, the raindrops had still not to fall: Over the Miracle on the Han River, without any wind and wavelet, of historically driven in a centralized economy, in the name of “the Wealth of the Nation,” all for one’s corporatocratic concentration of financial powers onto both business and property tycoons, was apropos of nothing than the sailing of the President on the palm of the Chaebol’s hand—captive in their invisible redistribution of its income and its trickle-down growth of their own nation; moreover after the rising of the Moon, under the name of “the Inclusive Growth of the Innovative Nation,” with hope and with despair, of particularly accelerated in their corporatocratic existence of economic powers—(viz.), through to revitalize S.O.C. development gains; through to flow into corporatization for reproduction; and in order to create plausible employment, one had headstrongly bulldozed out vital safeguards—was also apropos of nothing than his maiden voyage of the last two years, the lost two years of the Moon’s playing into the Chaebol Jr.’s hands—deceptive in their invisible innovation, in their constructive ambiguity, and in their windfall-based-on-unearned-income-led growth…. Now that, the more corporatocracy they have, the more patrimony they have got—damn!; into the wrong hands, I shoulda-coulda-woulda cut it off. And it has to make us short-changed like a cheeseburger without cheese. Where’s the beef?

“i’m lovin’ it Chaebol,” whoÓops?—Kim, Sang-jo, the head of the Korea Fair Trade Commission (2019)

  It oughta be lovable, though th’ Chaebol ain’t so hot. Can you dig it? Aww, I like that! As a matter of course, someone’s secret love may be a virtue of free market in th’ eye of th’ beholder (like “a big bang-up on th’ new black Galaxy”). As a matter of fact, that surreptitious, endless, symbiotic love can be a vice of th’ fatal temptation of th’ lion’s share (e.g., “a dog-eat-dog competition with the S.M.E.s those who’ve been a subcontractor at their base—being now stricken with cutting-back a floor-pricing, or being now threatened with the contract termination—whose base on fragility was going to be involved in espionage or sabotage; then, that can’t beat the Man of System”) under the eye of the others, an affected stakeholder economy that cannot help being damaged, abandoned, condoned by th’ benighted government on their own ways: there has been for a long time no-seein’ such a virtue of that handiwork; for the blind love at the manufactured crises of our sweated labours, earning & savings; and all for one’s empowering of the Chaebol’s patrimonial corporatocracy, as always.
  But then again, the Moon-soon was already coming, the raindrops have yet to “f-a-I-l”—under that economic-al principle of the sustainable skulduggery, of the vain waitings for our fair shake, of the false hopings for our fair competition—Trough of Disillusionment with th’ lion’s fair’s fair share for th’ Chaebol’s sake: Th’ hope torture. Still, th’ sailor-Moon ain’t done his fair share. And the sun had set, behind th’ swamps more and more.... As a result, so may we haven’t got to be lovin’ it lest the Chaebol dare reign over people forever; at least now, I shall not just gonna wait it out for unless the Ship of State would have no-time to kill ’em all beyond th’s old love.

It’s time to move beyond th’s corporatocracy—to do our business in the light of day.

원문의 내용은 아래 링크를 통해 직접 확인하실 수 있습니다.

다운로드: 190426 [Statement] The time to kill a Chaebol: Let us move beyond Corporatocracy (클릭)

문의: 재벌개혁운동본부 / 국제팀 (02-766-5623)


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