[11/8] 재정,금융,개발에 관한 국제 시민사회포럼 개최 안내

발행일 2010.11.02. 조회수 694

Put People First!  G20 Seoul International People's Conference
International Civil Society Forum on Finance and Development
(재정․금융․개발에 관한 국제시민사회포럼)

제목 : Charting Alternatives for the Global Economy
(세계경제 대안 모색 : 금융통제와 고용 ․ 복지지출 확대)

□ Date(일시) : 2010. 11. 8(월)  09:30~18:00

□ Venue(장소) : SoGang University(서강대 예수회센터 3층)

□ Co-Organizers(공동주최)
   - Korean Civil Society Network for Tightening the Financial Re-regulation and the Taxation on Speculative Capital(금융규제 강화와 투기자본과세를 위한 시민사회네트워크)
   - IBON International (the Philippines)
   - Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany)
※시민사회네트워크 참여단체(경제정의실천시민연합, 글로벌정치경제연구소, 상상연구소, 새로운사회를여는연구원, 새세상연구소, 전국사무금융노동조합연맹, 참여연대, 투기자본감시센터)


09:30~10:00  Opening Remarks(개회사)

  정용건 (Yong-Geon Jung, Co-Representative, Korean Civil Society Network)
  Paul Quintos (Policy&Communications Manager, IBON International)
  Christoph Pohlmann (Representative, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Korea Office)


Session I  : Financial and Fiscal Crisis: Origins and Measures(금융 ․ 재정위기 ; 기원과 해법)

☞ Moderator(사회자) : Prof. Jong-Haak Hong (KyungWon University, Korea )

▶ Presentation1 “The G-20 Agenda for Regulating Global Financial Markets : Scope and Limitations(글로벌 금융시장 규제를 위한 G20 의제 : 범주와 한계)”
-Speaker : Oscar Ugarteche (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico)

▶ Presentation2 “Economic Crisis and Structural Adjustment : Korean Experiences and Lessons(경제위기와 구조조정 : 한국의 경험과 교훈)”
-Speaker : Prof. Joung-Woo Lee (Kyungpook Nat’l University,  Korea)

▶ Presentation3 “Civil Society’s Strategy on Government Financial Crisis(정부 재정위기에 대한 시민사회의 대응 전략)”
-Speaker : Sarah Anderson (Director, Global Economy Project, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. USA)

▶ Presentation4 “The Importance of Capital Controls(자본통제의 중요성)”
-Speaker : Kavaljit Singh (Director of Public Interest Research Centre, Delhi, India)

  - Pedro Payez (Special Advisor to the President, Equador)
  - Ms. Maria Lourdes Tabios Nuera (Jubliee South-Asia/ Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS-APMDD), Freedom from Debt Coalition, the Philippines)

12:00-13:30  Lunch 


Session Ⅱ : Limitations of the G-20′s Financial Reform and Civil Society’s Requests (G20 금융개혁 논의의 한계와 시민사회의 요구)

☞ Moderator(사회자) : Prof. Tae-In Jung (SungKongHoe University, Korea)

▶ Presentation1 “Bretton Woods Moment Lost and Financial Reform(브레튼우즈의 붕괴와 금융 개혁)”
-Speaker : Jomo K. Sundaram, (UN Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, UN-DESA and Member, UN High level Task Force on Regulating Finance, Malaysia)

▶ Presentation2 “Global Financial Crisis and The Finance System in Korea: Critique on Policies for Advanced Finance System(글로벌 금융위기와 한국 금융 : 금융선진화 정책 비판)”
-Speaker : Prof. Chul-Gyue Yoo (SungKongHoe University, Korea)

▶ Presentation3 “Dispute on Currency and Taxation in the G-20 : Currency War and Financial Transaction Tax(G20 통화 ․ 과세 논쟁 : 통화전쟁과 금융거래세)”
-Speaker :  Peter Wahl (World Economy, Ecology and Development, Germany)

▶ Presentation4 “Peace in our Time: End the Currency Wars by De-Dollarizing the Global Economy(우리시대의 평화 : 세계경제의 탈-달러화로 통화전쟁 종료)”
-Speaker : Soren Ambrose (Development Finance Coordinator, ActionAid International(Kenya), USA)

  - Sarah Edelman (State and Local Program Coordinator, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, USA)

15:30-16:00  Coffee Break


Session Ⅲ : Civil Society Perspective on G20 and Development(G20 개발 의제에 관한 시민사회의 전망)

☞ Moderator(사회자) : Prof. Hyun-Back Chung (Co-Representative of PSPD, Korea)

▶ Presentation1 “G20 Development Agenda - a Civil Society Perspective from Korea(G20 개발의제에 대한 한국 시민사회의 입장)”
-Speaker : Mr Anselmo LEE (Seong-Hoon, Chair of International Solidarity Committee, PSPD, Korea)

▶ Presentation2 “G20 Development Agenda - a Civil Society Perspective from the South/ Philippines(필리핀 시민사회의 입장)”
-Speaker : Paul Quintos (Policy & Communications Manager, IBON International, the Philippines)

▶ Presentation3 “G20 Development Agenda - a Civil Society Perspective from the South/ Kenya(케냐 시민사회의 입장)”
-Speaker : Edward Oyugi (Social Development Network, Kenya)

▶ Presentation4 “Priorities for development agenda from Korea to France(한국에서 프랑스까지 개발 의제의 선결과제)”
   -Speaker : Mathilde Dupré(Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development, CCFD, France)

  - Sonny Africa (RESIST!, the Philippines)


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