
[성명] 유엔 경제사회이사회 2020 고위급 정치포럼 및 분과토론 제출성명

  지속가능개발을 앞당기기 위한 지난 10 년간의 촉진과 변화시키는 과정, 행동, 실천, 그리고 코로나-19 긴급현안 대응 "Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development" and the current concerns regarding "COVID-19"   오는 7월 7-16일로 예정된  고위급정치포럼(HLPF 2020) 및 7월 14-16일 고위급분과토론(HLS 2020)를 앞두고, 위 주제에 대해 유엔 경제사회이사회에 경실련의 입장을 아래와 같이 각각 전달하였습니다. 200426 [Written Statement] by CCEJ, A New Vision for the Future in Our Society 200427 [Oral Statement] Remarks by CCEJ, Stop it!—the Methods of an Infodemic   【HLPF 2020 서면 성명】 Written Statement before ECOSOC High-Level Segment & Political Forum in 2020 A New Vision for the Future in Our Society Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice [i] Republic of Korea April 26, 2020   The last year fell on our 30th Anniversary, and we looked back on our historic movements over the last decades. Of significant importance to democratic and socioeconomic transformation with sustainable development in Korean society, have...

발행일 2020.04.27.

경제 국제
[성명] 친재벌 경제개발성장 중심 기업지배구조를 넘어서

친재벌 경제개발성장 기대에 대한 헛걸음과 친재벌 기업지배구조의 한계를 넘어서 - 지속가능개발목표(SDGs): 유엔 경제사회이사회 2019 고위급 정치포럼 제출 성명 -   The time to kill a Chaebol: Let us move beyond Corporatocracy Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice Republic of Korea April 26, 2019     The Conglomer-Ń-ation. The monsoons have already come, the raindrops had still not to fall: Over the Miracle on the Han River, without any wind and wavelet, of historically driven in a centralized economy, in the name of “the Wealth of the Nation,” all for one’s corporatocratic concentration of financial powers onto both business and property tycoons, was apropos of nothing than the sailing of the President on the palm of the Chaebol’s hand—captive in their invisible redistribution of its income and its trickle-down growth of their own nation; moreover after the rising of the Moon, under the name of “the Inclusive Growth of the Innovative Nation,” with hope and with despair, of particularly accelerated in their corporatocratic existence of econ...

발행일 2019.04.29.